Building a More Reliable System: A Circuit Breaker ApproachNowadays, almost every application/backend system will connect to other systems, either an internal system like communication between…Oct 14, 2024Oct 14, 2024
Memory Profiling in PythonBased on my experience, when you do an optimization there are two types of work, speed up the performance, or make your code use fewer…Jun 10, 2024Jun 10, 2024
Distributed Tracing for Distributed System: Save Your Time & CompanyNowadays, most of you have already heard about microservices (or other distributed systems) and their benefits.May 5, 2024May 5, 2024
Published inDevOps.devHow to monitor the memory usage of your APIMaybe you're already familiar with how to monitor the memory usage of your server or container, but it's quite different, we will monitor…Dec 3, 2023Dec 3, 2023
Cara Mengemas/Packaging Python ProjectBerawal dari kerjaan kantor kemarin yang dimana saya ditugaskan untuk mencari tau bagaimana caranya menginstallpython package dari private…Jan 9, 2021Jan 9, 2021
[Tutorial] CI/CD, Buddy CI + HerokuHi gengs, pada artikel kali ini saya akan membuat tutorial ci/cd dengan buddy ci yang nantinya si code/app yang telah kita buat akan…Oct 7, 2020Oct 7, 2020
Curcol Continuous Integration & Continuous DeliveryWell, sebenarnya kali ini merupakan cerita pribadi gue yang lagi belajar ci/cd di platform bitbucket pipeline untuk diterapkan di kantor…Jun 4, 2019Jun 4, 2019
Catatan Python: pyenv dan virtualenvDi era open source sekarang ini, penggunaan software/library open source kerap kali digunakan oleh para developer untuk mempercepat…Sep 29, 2018Sep 29, 2018
Arsitektur Monolitic dan MicroservicesDalam membangun sebuah software/aplikasi, pernahkah kalian mendengar arsitektur monolitic dan miroservices?Jul 21, 2018Jul 21, 2018